- #Free alternatives to microsoft word with nav pane for free#
- #Free alternatives to microsoft word with nav pane install#
On setupfontObjectStyle_(styleName, newValue) My setupfontObjectStyle_("all", fontChoice) set fontChoice to text returned of (display dialog "Please select a font" default answer "Latin Modern Roman") This is not a problem in the original script above, because of a complicated workaround using the find and replace command. Warning: There is a glitch in that when changing the name property of the font object of Word styles, a list template is applied to heading 1.
I recommend using Latin Modern Roman, because it is the unicode font, which replaces CMU when working with XeLateX. It can be expanded to set specific styles, but I have not finished it yet. This AppleScript handler sets the font for all styles.
#Free alternatives to microsoft word with nav pane for free#
I offer two options for you (Option 2 is best if you aren't going to compile anymore):ĭownload OpenOffice for free and download writer2latex, also free.
Other academic publishers (like Elsevier) also have similar Word templates (use Google to find them).
#Free alternatives to microsoft word with nav pane install#
Use the LaTeX Template for Word mentioned by Caramdir (make sure to install the 3 mentioned fonts).Besides all the ' it isn't possible' advice, what I would advice is: